Notepad++ Free Download
Notepad++ is one of the best free source code editor and it is the replacement or up-gradation of Notepad which supports many languages. It is used for programming purpose mostly as well as for making notes. Notepad++ free is very easy in use. It has simple layout but function are extraordinary.
In light of a ground-breaking altering segment Scintilla, Notepad++ free is composed in C++ and utilization unadulterated Win32 API and STL which guarantees a higher execution speed and littler program measure. By advancing whatever number schedules as could be expected under the circumstances without losing ease of use, Notepad++ is attempting to lessen the world carbon dioxide outflows. When utilizing less CPU control, the PC can throttle down and diminish control utilization, bringing about a greener environment.

By Notepad
License: Free
Compatibility: 32bit, 64bit
Key Features of Notepad++ Free:
- Syntax Highlight, Syntax Folding.
- User Defined Syntax Highlighting.
- Autosave.
- WYSIWYG (Printing).
- Auto-completion.
- Multi-Document.
- Multi-View.
- Perl Compatible Regular Expression, Search/Replace supported.
- Text Finding and replacing.
- File Status Auto-detection.
- Zoom in and zoom out.
- Multi-Language environment supported.
- Bookmark.
- Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting.
- Macro recording and playback.